The Milton Historical Society is interested in providing a plaque for historic commercial, residential, industrial, civic and religious buildings in Milton .
You may download the Application Form and pay by cheque, or complete the form and make your payment online using the form at the bottom of this page.
Please note that the current fee is $150. The Application Form has now been updated to reflect the change.
Please see the database for a list of properties listed.
You may also wish to view the two books produced to date that provide details on the historic homes of Milton. Examples of a few of the homes are shown at the bottom of this page.
Details of the Program
The MILTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY, in accordance with various objectives and regulations, has the responsibility in its plaquing program to establish the following procedures.
1. The SOCIETY (MHS) will research at its own expense, the property in question .
2. The property OWNER agrees to assist with any private documentation it may have in its possession.
3. The SOCIETY is bound by rules that govern the architectural design, form of construction and the age of any building to be plaqued. Because of its commitment to the heritage community it has the responsibility to perform this evaluation and research in a just and accurate way.
4. It is understood, by both parties, that the wording on the plaque will be in accordance with the information gathered in the research of the property.
5. It is understood, by both parties, that there can be no change in the date of the property once the correct information has been established.
6. It is understood, by both parties, that the person making the request for plaquing agrees to the charges made by the Society for the production of the plaque. The fee is $150 per plaque, unless more detail is required on a plaque, which would result in a higher fee charged by the sign maker.
7. Fee for the plaque is due at the time the research is approved by the OWNER. It is the OWNER’s responsibility to install the plaque at an appropriately visible point on the building. Any fees connected with the installation are the responsibility of the OWNER.
8. It is understood by both parties, that if item 5 of this By-law is violated in any manner then the research, plaque and its availability to the owner will be withdrawn by the Milton Historical Society.
9. MILTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY reserves the right to alter the wording on the plaque in the future if subsequent research indicates a correction is necessary. The cost of such alteration would be the responsibility of the SOCIETY .
10. An application must be completed by the owner to have the property considered for a plaque. The Society reserves the right to decline the research of a property.
Designation – Town of Milton
The purpose of Heritage Designation by the municipality is to formally recognize historic properties which have a cultural value in our community and to ensure the conservation for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. Please contact Heritage Milton at Town Hall for further information.